(Article 1)
"Dad's damaged army photo restored by social media"
'Redditor u/DayGlowBeautiful commented on the story: "I'm in awe at your generosity of helping a random stranger on the internet with such an amazing gesture. This is what I hope the internet does for humanity, bring us all closer."
I completely agree with this user. I see the internet as defiantly a stepping stone to bringing people closer together. And with the internet being so specific finding these people to connect with and makes friends is so much easier since you can find common interest that much quicker and easier. I would say their data and research is defiantly viable since this is public news and all quotes are taken from a public social media website where I'm certain if you find the post you will be able to find the same quotes used in this article.
(Article 2)
"What I Learned From Sharing My PND Diagnosis On Social Media"
Emma Cottam
'But the love, support and messages I received were immense and incredibly overwhelming. There was no judgement (at least not from those commenting or messaging), just overwhelming support for a mum who was struggling.'
I believe It's defiantly healthy to talk and release your emotions, and sometimes even doing that through social media platforms can be a nice way of letting it all out. Weather no one sees it or thousands see it as long as you feel well for saying what you need to, to make yourself feel better is the main goal overall. And it can even be nice to see how welcoming and caring some can be when they try to be. The only issue that can come from this article is its lack of support for its data. The article makes claim on statistics such as 'One in three mums suffer with PND.' But fails to have any evidence backing up this statement.
(Article 3)
"Parents may fret, but teens and even experts say social media use has its benefits"
Asha Davis and Eric Burnett
'Baltimore life coach Leslie Parker said there are some positive aspects to social media, including staying connected to people. It all depends on how students use it, she said. Many teenagers are using social media for positive reasons.'
This is defiantly one of the more better uses of social media. With the vast expansion of digital and social media it's become extremely easier to keep in touch with friends and family unlike what could be achieved back then. The articles research is fairly viable, with constant quoting from doctors and psychologists along with other adults opinions with their names attached.
(Article 1)
"Revealed: the more time that children chat on social media, the less happy they feel"
Jamie Doward
'Economists found that spending just one hour a day on social networks reduces the probability of a child being completely happy with his or her life overall by around 14%.'
To an extent I do believe that its extremely common to find more negative than good on the internet. But that being said I don't believe everything about it is negative, there are some great minds that use the internet and discovering these things can be great. However, its not there fault they aren't able to find these great enjoyable things, Its just more common to find negative since there are more negatives to be found than positives. In terms of research, this is article manages to contain links towards the statistics and statements they make.
(Article 2)
"Why every social media site is a dumpster fire"
Carlos Maza
'As long as con artists can use these platforms to prey on people’s most base desires, social media sites will continue to reflect the worst of human nature back at us.'
I completely agree with this article. I don't enjoy how to main source of revenue for sites or Youtube videos are through the source of views. It comes to make the worst of content with the only intention of shocking you to click onto it. All these videos have no quality within them and are only made for money solely. The articles evidence is shown also, with links on certain parts of text that take you towards other articles on the more specific subjects which also then contain more information and solid evidence.
(Article 3)
To an extent I do believe that its extremely common to find more negative than good on the internet. But that being said I don't believe everything about it is negative, there are some great minds that use the internet and discovering these things can be great. However, its not there fault they aren't able to find these great enjoyable things, Its just more common to find negative since there are more negatives to be found than positives. In terms of research, this is article manages to contain links towards the statistics and statements they make.
(Article 2)
"Why every social media site is a dumpster fire"
Carlos Maza
'As long as con artists can use these platforms to prey on people’s most base desires, social media sites will continue to reflect the worst of human nature back at us.'
I completely agree with this article. I don't enjoy how to main source of revenue for sites or Youtube videos are through the source of views. It comes to make the worst of content with the only intention of shocking you to click onto it. All these videos have no quality within them and are only made for money solely. The articles evidence is shown also, with links on certain parts of text that take you towards other articles on the more specific subjects which also then contain more information and solid evidence.
(Article 3)
"The Ugly Side of Fandom"
Amy Schwartz
'I asked Choukair to talk this week about what happened on social media following the missed kick. He declined comment but said he ‘never thought it would be this bad’.'
Its defiantly worrying how far some people can take their words on the internet. Perhaps its from this space of it not being face to face or maybe because the internet gives this layer of verbal protection of you not being near the person and it really letting out everything on your mind that could be negative and harassing to another individual. I completely agree with this article and how fans can take things much too far sometimes. However, the article doesn't contain too much evidence on this interview between the reporter and the football team, but imagine this is fairly legitimate on terms that the website is based on reporting sporting news and has other articles like this around its website.
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